The Rock Steady Palace
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No Doubt Time Line
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Copyrights and Thank You's

June 12, 2003

I am going out of town tommorow!!! Ill be back on the 24th... so I will officially update the site then... sorry I havent in so long, I have 2 sites that Im trying to run... ROCK STEADY LOVE.

January 24, 2002

Ok... another update. I added a lyrix section, although I didn't type them. The **** wallpapers are still not working (some of them, others work)... so hopefully that will be resolved soon... I added some pix... some links. Check them out... and for right now (and who knows how long) e-mail me to get the full size wallpapers you want that don't work. Please include the file name (which you will find if you either put the curser over it, or right click and say "save picture as..."). Whew... thanks for your pateince. :)

January 24, 2003

Ok, it's like early morning... LOL. So I am updating a short but sweet update. I added the site NODOUBTsurvey to the homepage and the links... added more wallpapers, and I already resolved my wallpaper problem! They are now clickable ahain! Thank God. I added my cousin's Justin's site to the links page, he is just getting started, and he is 12. So bear with him, LOL. I am adding more pix, and such... so I am still updating, and there will prolly be another update before today's up. :) Rock On.

January 23, 2003

Hey!!! BOO!! Got you... anyway. I had today off school again!!! Don't you just love snow? Well, I do, considering TN don't get much... hehe. To the updates! Well, I added 4 spankin new banners, 2 are from a friend, and 2 I made all my meself. I made a "Copyrights and Thank You's" page, since like all the "big" websites gots one. Also, check out the wallpapers, there are a couple new ones there, and I have a new way you get them... you dont click on anything, and it sux. But hopefully that will be resolved soon. Added a couple new pix, so far they are all Gwen, but that will change too. Homepage has some new links and such, things that I joined... Hella cool. How about some new links? Gots those up too, some new No Doubt sites you might have not been to. I am in the process of making my whole site better, so look out for that. If anything is unfinished, sorry I am you know, busy. :) Before I forget, do you like the new background? I thought it was kinda coolio... took a wallpaper from someone else's site, and just reversed the colors... has kinda a cosmic effect if you ask me. Anywhoo...

So, Running, the new single, is that great... I am excited, how about you!!!??? I cannot wait to hear it on my radio stations!!! *sings* "Running, running, as fasst as we can!!!"... ok, you left? Is my singing that bad? I guess I will stop then. Oh, I thought this was kinda cool... we had this 5 paragraph essay to do at school, and the topic was "If you could meet anyone, dead or alive who would it be and why?". Some of my friends picked like Rosa Parks, and George Washington, I was like, "Forget that, I want to meet Gwen!!!"... so I wrote about it. Just thought I would share.

One more thing in my sharing moment... I can play Don't Speak on the guitar!!! Is that totally like awsomely cool? A little shout out to myself... (as Gwen said on TRL :)). So, I know I can type a lot, but 2 more things... I am making 2 countdowns... one til the Superbowl (Sunday), and one til the Teen Vogue mag comes out (Monday)... so, here it is, as of now, Superbowl is 3 days and 2 hours... Teen Vogue... (according to when my mag store opens), 3 days and 19 hours... ok, I am shutting up now, Bye Bye. PEACE.

January 20, 2003

Hey, whats up???!!! Wow, it's been a while!! I hear that No Doubt is gonna be on the SuperBowl!!! Isn't that Great! I cant wait... Didn't mean to rhyme there... anyway! Updates...: I just added some wallpapers, and I will be adding more as soon as I can find another site that I can upload my pics too... ug.

January 5th, 2003


I know it has been a while since I updated... but you know, things come up :) I joined the "Hella Good Webring" and it's so cool! You should join if you have a site... It's on the homepage. Click on the About Me page to hear this funny little No Doubt clip that me and my cousin made... it only takes about 20 seconds to download it. I also added this thing where you can vote for my site for an award... that is on the homepage too. I have added a couple more Gwen pix, and I am in the process of adding tons more!!! I added a couple links too, and I will be adding more links too. That is all the more reason for you to come back, and check and see how I am doing!!!! I belive that is all I have updated so far... hope you enjoy that clip!!! LOL.

December 20, 2002

Short but sweet update... I got a new background:) Bye Bye, got to go to school!!!

December 18, 2002

I promise, I will normally update more than this, LOL. So, some new things at the site, I am currently adding some pix... trying to get some good stuff here... so, the survey is down... as you can see on that page. The host I have, Tripod (which is a very good place for a host) is not letting the forms work. So, anyway, some other news... I am learning HTML!!! For anyone who knows, I envy you!!! I have found a new favorite ND site... check out Greener Pastures... although I am sure you all have... I downloaded all my videos there... anyway, Christmas is like right around the corner!!! I am stunned, it came so fast!!! Wow... anyway, all I asked for was a bunch of No Doubt stuff, can't wait to see what I got, LOL... Well, I guess that's all for now... I will be updating more frequestly once I am off on Christmas break (Dec.20th, yay!!!)

Oh yeah, I forgot, I was at Hot Topic the other day (Love that store), and I bought 2 ND postcards, and a sticker!! LOL... Ok, I will go now...:)

November 28, 2002

Hi!!! This is my first post about my site!!! I have recently become a No Doubt fan, and I decided to make a website. Right now, I know it's very cheesy, and I am sure all you No Doubt fans know all that is on here, but I am just starting! Give me some time, and it will be great! (I hope, LOL). Let me introduce myself. I am Raven, I am 14, and I live in Tennesse, USA. My favorite band is the Goo Goo Dolls, but No Doubt is my 2nd favorite! I have to say that I taped the Elvis thing last night, and it was funny to see Gwen and the boys sing a song I didn't know! Elvis is before my time... anyway, I know I won't be able to update my site every day, so don't expect that, you know with school and all, but I will as soon as I can! If you have a site, would you mind linking me? Thanks, and I will do the same for you! Um... my favorite ND song is Comforting Lie... and my favorite video would be Ex-Girlfriend, I love the colors in it, LOL. If you would, ckeck out my site so far, and think where you think this could go, and E-MAIL ME and tell me what you think of it! Thanks, peace, God bless, and have a No Doubt day!